
Jins are the committees of Kinjin. Every jin represents a certain part of the Japanese or general student culture and acts independently of the board. Any member of Kinjin can join any of these jins or start their own jin!

The committees of Kinjin are independent parties within the association dedicated to one specific goal related to Japanese culture or student culture. As an example, every regular activity on the Kinjin agenda has its own responsible committee. To achieve their goals, every committee has their own members or sometimes even their own board.

The committees are typically named by a Japanese word expressing the goal, followed by the “-jin” suffix. Therefore, at Kinjin we typically refer to committees as jins. However, the suffix is not simply there as padding. That’s because the “jin” in Kinjin stands for person, which is the driving force for every jin.

Do you want to potentially start your own jin? Then don’t hesitate to send the board a message! They will gladly help you further and discuss all the possibilities.

Ani-jin organizes an anime screening every other Tuesday. Typically, six episodes of a pre-voted show are watched on one evening, with a little quiz at the end. Every anime season, Ani-jin also organizes an event to watch many first episodes of that season. All screenings use Japanese audio and English subtitles. For information on previously watched anime, check out the log.

Do you like arcades? Then Arcade-jin is the jin for you! The jin revolves around hosting trips to arcades in our spare time and finding friends to play with! About twice or thrice a year, we host a big trip to the Nationaal Video Game Museum, a huge arcade located in Zoetermeer! If you ever want to go to an arcade with your fellow Kinjin members, then be sure to join!

Chibi-jin is the IT department within Kinjin and its members make sure all IT related matters are taken care of. Examples include, but are not limited to, the website, the mail server and the electronic equipment in the Kinjin room, such as the Kinjin PC.

Our new jin dedicated to everything cosplay! Interested in cosplay? Be it making them, wearing, photographing them, admiring them…

Danmaku-jin organizes a Danmaku evening once every three weeks on Friday. Danmaku!! is a Touhou inspired role-playing card game for four to eight players. It can be most closely compared to Werewolves of Millers Hollow (Weerwolven van Wakkerdam) but with health bars and many interesting cards.

DDR-jin organizes a Dance Dance Revolution evening once every three weeks on Friday. DDR is a very famous dancing rhythm game and can be played with four players at once! While this game was very popular in the west for only a short period of time, it is still widely played in Japan.

Dentobunka-jin stands for the classical side of Japanese culture. We organize different activities once every four weeks on Monday, where we do all kinds of fun things, like tea ceremonies, calligraphy, story telling, going to kyuudou (Japanese archery) and more. Some of these activities are quite easy to set up, while others require some more work beforehand. The jin members work to make these activities as enjoyable as possible.

Dounyuu-jin is responsible for planning all Kinjin activities during the TU/e introduction week and potentially the Fontys introduction week. The jin typically does the following things: holding meetings, attend meetings with other associations, arrange a time and location for activities with the Central Introduction Committee (CIC) of the TU/e, arrange volunteers and arrange materials. Since the introduction week is an annual event, this jin is cleared of all members every year.

Are you interested in watching Japanese movies together with your fellow Kinjin members and learning about their production and background? If so, join us sometime at Eiga-jin! We watch a lot of different movies together with people while also learning about their background. If you’ve got suggestions for movies to watch or just want to talk about movies, feel free to join our group chat! Hope to see you at a showing sometime!

Fuyunomura-jin is responsible for planning and hosting Kinjin activities at the TU/e Christmas Market. These activities include: a miniature shrine where people can leave their prayers and draw fortune slips, food stands, fortune-telling, a ring toss game which is a very popular sight at a Japanese Matsuri, and more! 

Ibe-jin is in charge of organising fun activities at various anime conventions throughout the Netherlands, such as Abunai, Tomocon and Animecon. At these conventions, Ibe-jin organizes events for the attendees. These activities range from engaging physical mind games with Jan Ken Pon, tough trivia questions during the Otaku quiz, fun games with Cards Against Anime, a Nippon Bingo & Anime Guess who and many more!  With the help of our lovely Ibe-jin volunteers, we make sure that the presence of Kinjin at conventions is both exciting and comfy.

Kaikeikansa-jin (formerly “de KCC”) is responsible for auditing the finances of the board to make sure money is being spent as budgeted and is documented properly. Members are selected every year at the change of board GMM.

Hi, we are Kanpai-jin, the bartenders’ group of Kinjin! Every week, we mix up good times at Hubble, serving drinks with a side of fun. Whether you’re into bartending or just want to hang out with the crew, we guarantee great drinks, good vibes, and a lot of laughs. Come join us, make memories and have fun!! If you are not experienced, no worries! There are bartending trainings, free for all.

Kin-jin is the fitness jin for the Kinjin members that want to work out, but don’t want to do it alone. We go to the gym on the TU/e campus for fitness and some of our members also go swimming, play tennis or other things you can do there. We don’t have a regular activity on the Kinjin agenda, but instead we go to the gym together regularly.

Kuishinbo-jin is the cooking jin and its members often cook together in the kitchen of Luna for all members of Scala to enjoy. The dishes are mostly Japanese, but any cuisine is welcome. If you would like to join dinner, you can do this by registering via dining.studentencultuur.nl.

Manga-jin is Kinjin’s very own manga club. Within a regular timeframe, a new manga is chosen, read and discussed at the club meeting. Every manga is chosen by votes of the members of the committee, which leads to the exploration of various kinds of manga that Japan has to offer. This eventually leads to some fruitful and eye-opening discussions, which cover art, story, characters, paneling and more!

Nihongo-jin is the place for those that wish to dabble in the Japanese language, either as a layperson, an expert, or anything in between! We have Thursday group sessions once every two weeks, where we explore different ways to learn the language together. Our focus is mostly on translating manga at various difficulty levels (beginner, advanced) to get familiar with the Japanese alphabets, but we also want to try using some other methods of learning, such as speaking, watching unsubbed Japanese media, listening to Japanese songs, and much more! We will provide materials for you to study with, so you only have to bring yourself, and you’re good to go! If you have any interest in learning (more) about the Japanese language, or if you are looking for study buddies, you should come by!

Nomihoudai-jin is the jin in charge of organizing the constitution drink, which is often shortened to COBO after the Dutch word “constitutieborrel”, for the board of Kinjin. At the change of boards GMM at the end of every school year, new people are chosen to organize the COBO for the new board. During the COBO many different associations are invited to meet and congratulate the new board by offering the board a nice drink and a gift, but also all the jins and old boards of Kinjin are welcome to congratulate the new board.

In Japanese, “OB” stands for “Old Boy” and “OG” stands for “Old Girl”. These terms refer to alumni or former members of an organization, where OB can also be used to refer to both male and female alumni in the general sense. Hence, this is the jin for the old members, also known as alumni, of Kinjin. This way, Kinjin’s alumni can keep up to date with Kinjin’s affairs and receive invites for certain events.

Ongaku-jin is Kinjin’s J-Rock band. Come listen to their amazing performances on various cons across the Netherlands as well as sometimes on campus. To never miss their performances, make sure to follow their Instagram: @ongakujinofficial

At Plastic-jin we do everything related to plastic. We have two main endeavors we do at Kinjin. First, we host the creative evening, where you can pursue any creative outlet, such as drawing, sewing or building plastic model kits such as Gunpla. Plastic-jin is committed to helping you in your plastic model adventures, we have various tools and knowledge available for everyone to use.

Promo-jin is the jin for designing and organizing our promotion materials. We take care of both promotion of internal as external affairs. In the past, we have created and designed merchandise, such as pins and bottles, and we have designed posters and flyers for both Kinjin and its activities. More recently, we have also started being more active on social media, so you can find Kinjin on not only Twitter and Facebook, but also Instagram and LinkedIn!

Our new jin dedicated to playing all kinds of rhythm games (except for DDR). We have a wide variety of options like Groove Coaster, Hatsune Miku: Project Diva, Osu, Beatsaber and more!

Ever wanted to go to Japan with Kinjin? Ryokou-jin is here to help! Ryokou-jin is here to help organize our Japatn-trip once every 2 years. It is the central organizing body for the Japan trip. We mainly inform people about upcoming trips and help people in planning their trip to Japan.

As true Senpai of the association, we advise the board in all sorts of manners, from legal discussions to providing personal support in difficult times. Senpai consists of many Senpai of Kinjin. All of our members have been board members of Kinjin before joining Senpai. There are representatives from boards from 2013 all the way up to 2021 in Senpai! The jin started after the Kitsune board in 2018 and has been growing ever since. Simply do a board year in Kinjin and you can join this exclusive and secretive jin.

The goal is to write the monthly Kinjin newsletter and other special issues. Members can either write, proofread, brainstorm, work on design, provide photos, or anything related to writing the Shinbun. Kinjin used to have a Shinbun back in the old days as well. In 2018, the Kitsune board started the monthly mail, highlighting all activities of the upcoming month. An idea to expand the monthly mail led to the newly revived Shinbun of the Koi board.

Shoubu-jin organizes the popular Japanese board game evening every other week on Monday. During this evening Riichi Mahjong, Go, Shogi and Koi-koi are played. No experience is needed to join an activity, as we will gladly explain the rules.

Riichi Mahjong is an intense four player game and can only be described as a mix of Rummikub and Poker. At Kinjin Mahjong is by far the most popular board game. Go is a typical example of a game which is easy to learn but hard to master, where players place stones in turns to conquer the game board. Currently, Go has been rising in popularity this year. Shogi is a more complex form of chess as pieces can be revived after they have been captured. Koi-koi is a game played with Hanafuda cards, where the goal is to form special card combinations to accumulate points.

Tatakai-jin focuses on bringing traditional Japanese arcade fighting games to all members of Kinjin. We want to show that playing fighting games together can be just as fun as playing a party game. We generally do so by organizing an evening where we play fighting games once per month on Monday. During this evening, all kinds of fighting games are played, from classics like Street Fighter and Guilty Gear, to the more niche titles like Divekick and Dong Dong Never Die. 

TCG-jin is a jin that organizes activities where we play Trading Card Games (TCGs). TCG-jin organizes a TCG evening once every four weeks on Thursday. You don’t need any experience or cards of your own to join our activities. There will always be decks you can borrow and someone happy to explain and teach you the rules of a game.

At Kinjin we always have decks ready for Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Magic the Gathering, Digimon, Cardfight Vanguard overDress, Weiß Schwarz and KeyForge. If you have another game you are interested in, you can always bring it, and you will likely find someone who would like to play it with you.

Tsukiai-jin is a jin that is all about having fun and being social with other members of Kinjin, in which members can have a drink, play some games and maybe even go out to Stratumseind. Activities may include going to the silent disco; hanging in the Kinjin room; going out together to play pool, darts, go bowling, laser gaming or something else and many other activities are possible upon request.

Karaoke is a popular form of entertainment in Japan, in which amateur and professional singers alike sing along with songs using text that appears on-screen. You can sing your favorite songs, in Japanese, English, Dutch, or even other languages! The goal is to bring the Japanese karaoke experience to Kinjin.

Do you love visual novels? Have you never read one but always been interested in getting into them? Then join us for our monthly visual novel meeting! Every month we decide on a short visual novel to read as well as a longer visual novel to read over a longer period of time! If you only want to read the shorter or the longer one, you’re welcome to join in either way! If you want to join in, you can see what we’re reading in the announcement chat and on our VNDB page: https://vndb.org/u290681/ulist

Can’t get enough of Riichi Mahjong? Do you want to play at national tournaments outside Kinjin as well? Then you can join the Dutch Mahjong Association (NMB in Dutch) by joining this jin! Kinjin has been a club of the NMB since 2020, which allows members of Kinjin to become members of the NMB. By joining the NMB, you can participate in national tournaments.

You may wonder, what is up with the name? Washizu Iwao is the main villain of the Akagi manga. Their mahjong match lasted one night in the manga. However, the chapters describing this match took over 20 years to be made. Making this one of the most infamous battles in manga history. Battling the national champions of the Netherlands may give the feeling of battling Washizu.