It’s time for some Japanese board games! Generally, we play three games during a board game evening: Japanese Mahjong (Riichi) Go Shogi Hosted by Shoubu-jin.

Let’s watch some anime together! Every session we decide on anime to watch beforehand and then watch 6 episodes. Sounds fun? Be sure to check it out! For information on previously watched anime, click here. Hosted by Ani-jin.

Typically, every two years many Kinjin members traverse the world to visit the ancient island of Japan. This evening will be a new opportunity to form groups and make plans together with your fellow Kinjin members. Hosted by Ryokou-jin.

Eiga-jin will be hosting a Japanese Movie Evening. If you are interested in watching live-action movies and discussing them with your fellow Kinjin members, make sure to check it out! If you’d like more information regarding the movies that will be watched this evening, feel free to join the Eiga-jin WhatsApp group.

Come join us for an evening where we experience traditional Japanese culture, e.g. tea ceremonies, calligraphy and story telling. Hosted by Dentoubunka-jin.

During the manga club meetings, we discuss the previously chosen manga and choose manga for next time. After the meeting, we usually watch any related adaptations of the read manga. For an overview of everything we have read so far, see

It’s time for some Japanese board games! Generally, we play three games during a board game evening: Japanese Mahjong (Riichi) Go Shogi Hosted by Shoubu-jin.

Let’s watch some anime together! Every session we decide on anime to watch beforehand and then watch 6 episodes. Sounds fun? Be sure to check it out! For information on previously watched anime, click here. Hosted by Ani-jin.