Ryouko-jin (Japan-trip) Online on Discord


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Hello everyone!

In these dire times, ryouko-jin comes to shine a light among the darkness.
It is time to start thinking about the Japan-trip of 2021 already so ryouko-jin will organize the first meeting coming wednesday. This time we have prepared for the meeting to be on the Kinjin discord.
Wednesday night around 19:00 there will be a presentation by ryouko-jin to tell you all about the Japan-trip.

It is recommended for everyone interested in going for the first time as most basics will be explained:
How the japan-trip works, how groups work, what you need to bring, how to survive in Japan, what to do in Japan, how it all works financially and much much more.
The presentation will cover everything and a little bit more so be prepared for a long evening.
then some things:
Everything will happen on discord so please have an account and join the kinjin discord:
The presentation, with slides, will be livestreamed via discord so make sure you have either a lot of battery on your phone or a laptop available.
After the presentation is over, and probably during the presentation there will be a continuous QnA on discord for all your questions, be it via message or voicechat.
The slides will be shared with you, and they are very detailed but somewhat boring, it’s recommended you have some way of taking notes.

Thanks and we hope to see you there,
