Due to COVID-19, Kinjin has been closed off for the last 1.5 years, in which we couldn’t host any physical activities. Now that things are starting to look better, we will be hosting a ‘reopening week’ at the end of September, to celebrate Kinjin being officially open again. It will be a busy week packed with fun activities. From 27th of September till the 1st of October there will be an original activity every day with a fun theme: food and drinks.
Monday the 27th of September: Japanese board games 19:00
We host our regular Japanese board games night. We will be providing some snacks and drinks for this evening.
But now! With a possibility to play the Mahjong drinking game (alcoholic) if enough people are up for it! The members have made a special ruleset for this Mahjong drinking game. So, if you can find three others to play the Mahjong drinking game with, good luck and have fun!
It is BYOB (Bring Your Own Booze), but we do have some leftover (strong) alcoholic drinks in the Kinjin room which can be used for this drinking game.
Tuesday the 28th of September: Japanese movie screening 19:00
Time to watch a classic movie! We have chosen a movie that fits with the theme of the reopening week (food and drinks): Tampopo (1985).
“A truck driver stops at a small family-run noodle shop and decides to help its fledgling business. The story is intertwined with various vignettes about the relationship of love and food.”
We will be watching the movie in the Kinjin room. We will provide some drinks and snacks to munch on while watching the movie! The movie will be Japanese audio with English subtitles.
Wednesday the 29th of September: Kinjin BBQ 17:00
Last year we couldn’t host a BBQ, so we want to catch up and host one in the beginning of this year! Because, who doesn’t love a Kinjin BBQ?! You are required to sign-up for this BBQ. Attending the BBQ will cost € 5. The BBQ will take place on the field north of Luna and west of Aurora.
The options are:
Normal portion (5 pieces of meat) € 5
Vegetarian portion (5 vegetarian pieces) € 5
We will be serving no fish and we will purchase the meat from a Halal butcher.
Sign-up for the BBQ is closed.
Sign-up is definitive. So, if you can’t attend anymore, please let us know a.s.a.p. by contacting the board (via WhatsApp, Discord, e-mail or in person). If you sign out after the deadline, we will still charge the costs for the BBQ.
Thursday the 30th of September: Sushi party 19:00
It’s not a workshop. It’s not dinner. It’s a sushi party!! This evening we will be making some sushi together, and of course later on, eat it.
As Kinjin, we will provide the rice and some ingredients, like salmon, cucumber, crabstick, avocado, seaweed, corn and wasabi. The rest is up to you! If you want, you can bring your own fillings.
You might want to have a light dinner beforehand to still enjoy the sushi. We will provide some drinks! You are required to sign-up for this event, so we know the number of ingredients to buy.
Joining the Sushi party will cost around € 1 to 3.
Sign-up for the sushi party is closed.
If you can’t attend anymore, please let us know a.s.a.p. by contacting the board (via WhatsApp, Discord, e-mail or in person).
Friday the 1st of October: Saké tasting 19:00
Time for a cocktail? No. Time for Saké! We will be hosting a Saké Tasting.
We have handpicked the finest Saké bottles for you to try out. We will have a variety of Saké bottles. We will also be providing some snacks for this evening. You are required to sign-up for this event.
Joining the Saké tasting will cost € 5.
Sign-up for the saké tasting is closed.
Sign-up is definitive. So, if you can’t attend anymore, please let us know a.s.a.p. by contacting the board (via WhatsApp, Discord, e-mail or in person). If you sign out after the deadline has been closed, we will still charge the costs for the Saké Tasting.
See you soon at Kinjin!!